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Day Trading

How to Use TSTrader® Platform


How to Use TSTrader® Platform

If you have traded in a TopstepTrader combine at least once, you have probably used TST’s preferred platform called TSTrader, which is powered by Tradovate. I have received a lot of requests for newer traders on how to use this platform so I decided to make a playlist of several videos detailing the major features of the platform.


How to Pass Step 1 and Step 2 of the Trading Combine®


How to Pass Step 1 and Step 2 of the Trading Combine®

Howdy y’all! It has been quite some time since my last blog post. In between restarting my trading company, Price Level Trading, I worked on passing the TopstepTrader™ $50k combine for the second time. In this blog post I talk about the three things I focused on to pass my latest Trading Combine in less than a month.


TopstepTrader $50k Combine - Step 1 | Day 5


TopstepTrader $50k Combine - Step 1 | Day 5

Took 3 trades today then called it a day after being on the right side of a Trump Tweet making 10 points on NQ in seconds. The first two trades had very good entries, but just was not paytient enough, moving my stop too aggressive taking me out of the trades before full profit targets were reached.


TopstepTrader $50k Combine - Step 1 | Day 4


TopstepTrader $50k Combine - Step 1 | Day 4

After almost hitting max daily loss on Day 2, I refocused and was able to string back to back winning days for over a $1,000 gain. The account is up a little over $300. The importance of risk management is so key because it will save you time: days, weeks, months and even years to recoup losses from a single day.
